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ZKI Authors & Master Coaches of Pneumatology


One of our most significant findings at ZKIIOP is the Ancient Hebrews' perspective of the Name of Elohim (God), as a Principle of Functionality or a Principle of Logic, from which all Supernatural Manifestations are reproduced. 


Our One-on-One Coaching provides the personal attention that is unable to be given in a Group setting that enables us to take the time to help you understand and apply the Principle of the Name to the unique challenges that you are facing, and show your the most effective way to move forward, with personalized frameworks, step by step.


We help you reorientate the 12 areas of your Life, for unprecedented Divine Synergy. That is,

  1. Spirituality (Identity/ Mindset),

  2. Sustained Health,

  3. Friend and Family Relationships,

  4. Romantic Relationship & Marriage,

  5. Fun & Leisure,

  6. Home Environment,

  7. Career/ Business,

  8. Finance,

  9. Parenting,

  10. Social Interaction,

  11. Societal Interaction,

  12. Governmental Interaction.


In every one of these areas of your Life there are struggles, challenges, chaos and no peace nor synergy, all because you have been applying formulas to each and every area that are the opposite to the Physics of your Spirit defined by the Name. Christ Jesus' sacrifice was for the purpose of restoring the Name and Spirit to you, that is the answer to every problem that you can possibly have in Life. 


Let's make the Supernatural and Divine PRATICAL!

Let's establish synergy in your Life, in the Name!


Coaching terms range from 3 months to 12 months. 

Standard Coaching Term: 3 Months

Cost: $1200 usd
or Monthly: $425 usd


Spirituality  |  Identity, Mindset Coaching

Abandon the Identity that you have been living every single day of your life  in the pursuit of validating and approving, accompanied by its Mental Health challenges. 

Awaken to who you really are, to the Divine Name that you were named by Elohim (God) Himself in the Garden of Eden, that gives Peace and Rest.

The Name that Jesus restored to you at His Resurrection defines you and awakens the Supernatural Power of Elohim in you. Christ in you!


This Coaching is for individuals who are:

  • Religiously Traumatized

  • Depressed

  • Living in Self-Condemnation and Feelings of Inadequacy

  • Struggling with Mental Health

  • Desirous of living in more Supernatural Manifestation, and more...


You will not find this anywhere else on the internet.

Click the image below, to register on our waiting list.

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Relationship/ Marriage Coaching 

There is not one difficulty or challenge that exists in relationships and marriages that are not rooted in Identity Codependency, which is made evident in partners'  pursuit of validation, morally, emotionally, sexually and more.

Our research at ZKIIOP has proven that the Principle of Functionality of the Name is the solution for all marital decadence, disunity, and a lack of connection in any and all of the 5 emotions of our spirit. 

This coaching is for those who are in relationships or marriages experiencing:

  • A lack of intimacy Intellectually, Emotionally, Sexually, in sharing experiences, and more importantly Spiritually

  •  A lack of trust

  • Emotional frigidity

  • Contention and verbal abuse

  • A lack of sexual inspiration, and more...


You will not find this anywhere else on the internet.

Click the image below, to register on our waiting list.

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Parenting Coaching | Married & Single Parents

The traditional westernized approach to parenting is evidently failing. A lot of parents are struggling to maintain a guiding authority over their children. Unknowingly, lots of parents  have adopted techniques that have resulted in the Identity Codependency of their children which gives rise to entitlement and much more dysfunctional behaviors.

Our research has proven that the Principle of the Functionality of the Name is the key to having the Divine Parenting experience of the Garden of Eden.

This coaching is for Parents who are experiencing:

  • Struggles with the children and technology

  • Challenges with their children's commitment to studying

  • Interfacing with aggressive and disrespectful children

  • Tantrums, lying and disobedience

  • A lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, and more...


You will not find this anywhere else on the internet.

Click the image below, to register on our waiting list.

Spiritual Coaching Identity  Mindset (2).png
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